Welcome to Blood Guys!
BLOODGUYS, Inc. is an advanced clinical service provider dedicated to harnessing the natural healing powers of blood and its components. We are located in many facilities across the United States. We successfully combine intra & post-operative blood salvage to maximize autologous blood return for each patient. The experienced combination of this process allows our hospitals to be less dependent on blood bank transfusions, thus significantly reducing infection rates and other complications, as well as saving money. We have performed thousands of Autotransfusion cases and we are ready to improve your facilities blood management practices with our clinical methods & expertise!
We cover many blood component therapies across a broad spectrum of other applications including:

It is our goal to drive excellence in all aspects of our service and to bring value through collaboration to our hospital and partners. We pride ourselves in delivering superior service, excellent support, and maximum clinical value to improve patient outcomes through efficacious and autologous blood practices.